# Test that trace does not show information forbidden # by lack of privileges. --source include/have_optimizer_trace.inc # Grant tests not performed with embedded server -- source include/not_embedded.inc connection default; let $DEFAULT_TRACE_MEM_SIZE=1048576; # 1MB set @old_size = @@global.optimizer_trace_max_mem_size; eval set global optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=$DEFAULT_TRACE_MEM_SIZE; connection default; select user(); create database somedb; use somedb; create table t1(a varchar(100)); insert into t1 values("first"); create table t2(a varchar(100)); insert into t2 values("first"); create table t3(a varchar(100)); insert into t3 values("first"); SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; delimiter |; create procedure p1() sql security definer begin declare b int; if (select count(*) from t1) then select 22 into b from dual; end if; select a into b from t1 limit 1; insert into t1 values(current_user()); end| create function f1() returns int sql security definer begin declare b int; select 48 into b from dual; select a into b from t1 limit 1; insert into t1 values(current_user()); return 36; end| create trigger trg2 before insert on t2 for each row begin insert into t3 select * from t3; end| delimiter ;| SET sql_mode = default; create sql security definer view v1 as select * from t1; create user user1@localhost identified by ''; grant all on *.* to user1@localhost with grant option; connect (con_user1, localhost, user1,, somedb); --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; # SHOW GRANTS scans a hash, which gives a random order --sorted_result show grants; --echo --echo # ========================================================== --echo # Part A. --echo # Test that security context changes are allowed when, and only --echo # when, invoker has all global privileges. --echo # ========================================================== --echo --echo # Because invoker has all global privileges, all traces are visible: set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # this SET always purges all remembered traces set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; insert into t2 values(current_user()); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # Show that really all global privileges are needed: let root --echo # revoke just one from user1. Because user1 does not have all global --echo # privileges anymore, security context changes are forbidden, --echo # thus there is no trace. --echo connection default; select user(); revoke shutdown on *.* from user1@localhost; # removing a global privilege never affects an existing connection: disconnect con_user1; connect (con_user1, localhost, user1,, somedb); --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; --sorted_result show grants; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); --echo # In CALL we execute stored procedure and notice a security --echo # context change. The context change is probably only relevant --echo # for substatements, but we still hide CALL. This is to be --echo # consistent with what we do when routine body should not be --echo # exposed. And it also feels safer to disable I_S output as --echo # soon as possible. --echo # Ps-protocol-specific note: mysqltest uses normal protocol for CALL select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; insert into t2 values(current_user()); select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # Verify that user1 cannot circumvent security checks by --echo # setting @@optimizer_trace_offset so that I_S output is disabled --echo # before the object (routine) is checked, and enabled in the --echo # middle of object usage, when 'offset' is passed. --echo set optimizer_trace_offset=2,optimizer_trace_limit=1; call p1(); --echo # Even though the routine's execution started before --echo # 'offset', it detected the security context changes. So the --echo # trace of CALL gets the "missing privilege" mark but we don't --echo # see it as CALL was before 'offset'. select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # Finally, verify that if the routine's definer does modify --echo # @@optimizer_trace from "enabled=off" to "enabled=on", in the --echo # body of the routine, then tracing works. This is no security --echo # issue, as it was done by the routine's definer. --echo connection default; select user(); delimiter |; create procedure p2() sql security definer begin declare b int; set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; select 22 into b from dual; end| delimiter ;| --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p2(); select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Variable is as set by the routine select @@optimizer_trace; --echo --echo # ========================================================== --echo # Part B. --echo # Do same tests but with SQL SECURITY INVOKER objects, to verify that --echo # the restriction on security context changes is not present. --echo # ========================================================== --echo connection default; select user(); alter procedure p1 sql security invoker; alter function f1 sql security invoker; alter sql security invoker view v1 as select * from t1; --echo # Triggers cannot be SQL SECURITY INVOKER so we don't test --echo # them here. alter procedure p2 sql security invoker; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=2,optimizer_trace_limit=1; call p1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p2(); --echo # SELECT substatement is traced (no security context change) select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; select @@optimizer_trace; --echo --echo # ========================================================== --echo # Part C. --echo # User1 got traces. Determine the minimum set of privileges he --echo # needed for that. --echo # ========================================================== --echo connection default; drop procedure p2; # p2 is not worth testing more select user(); revoke all privileges, grant option from user1@localhost; --echo # Grant minimum privileges to use the routines and views, --echo # without considering optimizer trace: grant execute on procedure p1 to user1@localhost; grant execute on function f1 to user1@localhost; grant select (a) on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo # Objects above are SQL SECURITY INVOKER, so invoker needs --echo # privileges on objects used internally: grant select (a) on t1 to user1@localhost; grant insert (a) on t1 to user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; disconnect con_user1; connect (con_user1, localhost, user1,, somedb); --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; --sorted_result show grants; --echo --echo # Those privileges are not enough to see traces: set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); --echo # In CALL we execute stored procedure and notice that body should --echo # not be exposed. The trace of this CALL would not expose the --echo # body. Trace of substatements would. But, due to --echo # implementation, CALL is hidden. select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); --echo # SELECT is hidden (same reason as for CALL). --echo # Ps-protocol-specific note: preparation of SELECT above does not --echo # execute f1, so does not risk exposing body, so its trace is --echo # visible. select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it would expose body of view select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # C.0) Add more privileges: --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # - for use of t1 in routines and view: grant select on t1 to user1@localhost; --echo # - for use of routines: grant select on mysql.proc to user1@localhost; --echo # - for use of view: grant select, show view on v1 to user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of routine, and content of t1, which we --echo # could see anyway: show create procedure p1; select * from t1 limit 1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of routine, and content of t1, which we --echo # could see anyway: show create function f1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of view, and content of t1, which we --echo # could see anyway: show create view v1; --echo --echo # Now remove each privilege to verify that it was needed: --echo # C.1) remove table-level SELECT privilege on t1 --echo connection default; select user(); revoke select on t1 from user1@localhost; grant select (a) on t1 to user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); --echo # Cannot see those substatements which use t1 select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); --echo # Cannot see those substatements which use t1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of routine, which we could see anyway: set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; show create function f1; set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from columns --echo # of t1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # C.2) remove table-level SELECT privilege on mysql.proc --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # Put back privilege removed in C.1 grant select on t1 to user1@localhost; --echo # And remove a next one: revoke select on mysql.proc from user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); --echo # We have no right to see routines' bodies: set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; show create procedure p1; show create function f1; --echo # Verify that optimizer trace does not influence the privilege --echo # checking in SHOW CREATE: set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; show create procedure p1; show create function f1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); --echo # Cannot see anything as it would expose body of routine select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # C.3) remove table-level SELECT privilege on view --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # Put back privilege removed in C.2 grant select on mysql.proc to user1@localhost; --echo # And remove a next one: revoke select on v1 from user1@localhost; grant select (a) on v1 to user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from columns --echo # of v1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # C.4) remove SHOW VIEW privilege on view --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # Put back privilege removed in C.3 grant select on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo # And remove a next one: revoke show view on v1 from user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; --echo # We have no right to see view's body: --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show create view v1; set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; --echo # Verify that optimizer trace does not influence the privilege --echo # checking in SHOW CREATE: --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show create view v1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it would expose body of view select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # ========================================================== --echo # Part D. --echo # Like Part C, but instead of SQL SECURITY INVOKER objects --echo # created by root and used by User1, let's have SQL SECURITY --echo # DEFINER objects created and used by User1. Determine the --echo # minimum set of privileges he needs for that. --echo # ========================================================== --echo connection default; select user(); drop procedure p1; drop function f1; drop view v1; drop trigger trg2; revoke all privileges, grant option from user1@localhost; --echo # Grant minimum privileges to create and use objects, --echo # without considering optimizer trace: grant create routine on somedb.* to user1@localhost; grant trigger on t2 to user1@localhost; grant create view on somedb.* to user1@localhost; grant select (a) on t1 to user1@localhost; grant insert (a) on t1 to user1@localhost; grant insert (a) on t2 to user1@localhost; grant select (a) on t3 to user1@localhost; grant insert (a) on t3 to user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; disconnect con_user1; connect (con_user1, localhost, user1,, somedb); --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; delimiter |; create procedure p1() sql security definer begin declare b int; if (select count(*) from t1) then select 22 into b from dual; end if; select a into b from t1 limit 1; insert into t1 values(current_user()); end| create function f1() returns int sql security definer begin declare b int; select 48 into b from dual; select a into b from t1 limit 1; insert into t1 values(current_user()); return 36; end| create trigger trg2 before insert on t2 for each row begin insert into t3 select * from t3; end| delimiter ;| create sql security definer view v1 as select * from t1; SET sql_mode = default; --echo # Creating a view is not enough to be able to SELECT it... connection default; select user(); grant select (a) on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); --echo # Those privileges are not enough to see traces: set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); --echo # Can see body of routine (as definer), but not statements using t1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); --echo # Can see body of routine (as definer), but not statements using t1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; show create function f1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from columns --echo # of t1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; insert into t2 values(current_user()); --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from --echo # columns of t2 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Also test a query accessing t1 in FROM clause: set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select a from (select a from t1 where a like "f%") as tt where a like "fi%"; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # D.0) Add more privileges: --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # - for use of t1 in routines and view: grant select on t1 to user1@localhost; --echo # - for use of view: grant select, show view on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo # - for use of trigger grant select on t2 to user1@localhost; grant select on t3 to user1@localhost; delete from t1 where a<>"first"; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of routine, and content of t1, which we --echo # could see anyway: show create procedure p1; select * from t1 limit 1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select f1(); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of routine, and content of t1, which we --echo # could see anyway: show create function f1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of view, and content of t1, which we --echo # could see anyway: show create view v1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; insert into t2 values(current_user()); select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo # Trace exposed body of trigger, and content of t2/t3, which we --echo # could see anyway: --replace_column 7 # show create trigger trg2; select * from t2, t3 limit 1; --echo # Trace exposed content of t1 which we could see anyway: set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select a from (select a from t1 where a like "f%") as tt where a like "fi%"; select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # For routines, as they only use t1 and we added only one --echo # privilege on t1, we have nothing to remove. --echo --echo # Now remove each privilege to verify that it was needed for --echo # the view. --echo # D.1) remove table-level SELECT privilege on v1 --echo connection default; select user(); revoke select on v1 from user1@localhost; grant select (a) on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from columns --echo # of v1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # D.2) remove table-level SHOW VIEW privilege on v1 --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # Put back privilege removed in D.1 grant select on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo # And remove a next one: revoke show view on v1 from user1@localhost; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); --echo # We have no right to see view's body: --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR show create view v1; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it would expose body of view select QUERY, TRACE, INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # D.3) remove table-level SELECT privilege on t1 --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # Put back privilege removed in D.2 grant show view on v1 to user1@localhost; --echo # And remove a next one: revoke select on t1 from user1@localhost; grant select (a) on t1 to user1@localhost; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1; --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from columns --echo # of t1 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # Now remove each privilege to verify that it was needed for --echo # the trigger: --echo # D.4) remove table-level SELECT privilege on t2 --echo connection default; select user(); revoke select on t2 from user1@localhost; grant select (a) on t2 to user1@localhost; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; insert into t2 values(current_user()); --echo # Cannot see anything as it might expose some data from --echo # columns of t2 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # D.5) remove table-level SELECT privilege on t3 --echo --echo connection default; select user(); --echo # Put back privilege removed in D.4 grant select on t2 to user1@localhost; --echo # And remove a next one: revoke select on t3 from user1@localhost; grant select (a) on t3 to user1@localhost; --echo connection con_user1; select user(); set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; insert into t2 values(current_user()); --echo # Cannot see substatement as it might expose some data from --echo # columns of t3 select QUERY, length(TRACE), INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # Cleanup connection default; select user(); drop user user1@localhost; disconnect con_user1; --echo --echo # ========================================================== --echo # Part E. --echo # Misc tests. --echo # ========================================================== --echo connection default; select user(); drop view v1; create sql security definer view v1 as select * from t1 where 'secret'; create user user1@localhost identified by ''; grant create, insert, select on somedb.* to user1@localhost; grant create routine on somedb.* to user1@localhost; connect (con_user1, localhost, user1,, somedb); --echo connection con_user1; select user(); --echo user1 cannot see view's body: --error 1142 show create view v1; SET sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; --echo user1 creates a procedure delimiter |; create procedure proc() sql security definer begin set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; set optimizer_trace_offset=0,optimizer_trace_limit=100; select * from v1 limit 0; create table leak select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace; set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; end| delimiter ;| SET sql_mode = default; connection default; select user(); --echo root runs procedure, without fear of risk as it is SQL SECURITY DEFINER call proc(); --echo connection con_user1; select user(); --echo user1 cannot see view's body: select * from leak; --echo --echo # Cleanup connection default; select user(); drop database somedb; drop user user1@localhost; set @@global.optimizer_trace_max_mem_size = @old_size;