# Remember some variables. LET $MYSQLD_DATADIR = `select @@datadir`; LET $INNODB_PAGE_SIZE = `select @@innodb_page_size`; # Create some relative remote directories --mkdir $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../spaces --mkdir $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../remote --mkdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability --mkdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables --mkdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces --mkdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether --echo # --echo # Create the sample database to test for portability. --echo # CREATE TABLE ibport_t1 (a INT, b varchar(30), c int, key ka(a), key kb(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO ibport_t1 VALUES (1, 'One', 11), (2, 'two', 22), (3, 'three', 33), (4, 'four', 44); CREATE TABLESPACE ibport_s1 ADD DATAFILE 'ibport_s1_gen.ibd' ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE ibport_t5 (a INT, b varchar(30), c int, key ka(a), key kb(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB TABLESPACE ibport_s1; INSERT INTO ibport_t5 VALUES (1, 'One', 11), (2, 'two', 22), (3, 'three', 33), (4, 'four', 44); CREATE TABLESPACE ibport_s2 ADD DATAFILE '../spaces/ibport_s2_gen.ibd' ENGINE=InnoDB FILE_BLOCK_SIZE=4k; CREATE TABLE ibport_t6 (a INT, b varchar(30), c int, key ka(a), key kb(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB TABLESPACE ibport_s2 ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4; INSERT INTO ibport_t6 VALUES (1, 'One', 11), (2, 'two', 22), (3, 'three', 33), (4, 'four', 44); --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', d.path 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles d WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = d.space ORDER BY s.space; --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', f.file_name 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.files f WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = f.file_id ORDER BY s.space; --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.isl --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.ibd --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of ../spaces/ ibport* --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../spaces/ ibport* --echo # Add some uncommitted records to these tablespaces before clean shutdown INSERT INTO ibport_t1 VALUES (5, 'Five', 55); INSERT INTO ibport_t5 VALUES (5, 'Five', 55); INSERT INTO ibport_t6 VALUES (5, 'Five', 55); BEGIN; UPDATE ibport_t1 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t5 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t6 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t1 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t5 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t6 WHERE a = 3; --echo # --echo # Shutdown the server and replace the relative paths in the ISL files with --echo # full paths to these locations. This makes the SYS_DATAFILES.PATH and the --echo # ISL path look different but point to the same place. InnoDB should --echo # recognize that they point to the same file and update SYS_DATAFILES.PATH. --echo # --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --echo # Put the full path to the *.ibd files into *.isl files. --exec echo $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s1_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s1_gen.isl --exec echo $MYSQLD_DATADIR\\..spaces\\ibport_s2_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s2_gen.isl --exec echo $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test\\ibport_t1.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ibport_t1.isl --echo # Restart the DB server. --echo # Show that the tables are open and the full paths are in SYS_DATAFILES. --source include/start_mysqld.inc --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.isl --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.ibd --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of ../spaces/ ibport* --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../spaces/ ibport* SELECT * FROM ibport_t1 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t5 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t6 ORDER BY a; --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# $MYSQLD_DATADIR MYSQLD_DATADIR SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', d.path 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles d WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = d.space ORDER BY s.space; --replace_result #P# #p# #SP# #sp# $MYSQLD_DATADIR MYSQLD_DATADIR SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', f.file_name 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.files f WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = f.file_id ORDER BY s.space; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t5; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t6; --echo # Add some uncommitted records to these tablespaces before clean shutdown INSERT INTO ibport_t1 VALUES (6, 'Six', 66); INSERT INTO ibport_t5 VALUES (6, 'Six', 66); INSERT INTO ibport_t6 VALUES (6, 'Six', 66); BEGIN; UPDATE ibport_t1 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t5 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t6 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t1 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t5 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t6 WHERE a = 3; --echo # Stop server --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --echo # --echo # Move all the datafiles to a new location and update the isl files. --echo # --move_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ibport_t1.ibd $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables/ibport_t1.ibd --move_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s1_gen.ibd $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces/ibport_s1_gen.ibd --move_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../spaces/ibport_s2_gen.ibd $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces/ibport_s2_gen.ibd --echo # Replace the *.isl files with the full path to the *.ibd files --exec echo $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables\\ibport_t1.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ibport_t1.isl --exec echo $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability\\spaces/ibport_s1_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s1_gen.isl --exec echo $MYSQL_TMP_DIR\\portability/spaces\\ibport_s2_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s2_gen.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport* --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport* --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables/ ibport* --list_files $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables/ ibport* --echo # Directory listing of MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces/ ibport* --list_files $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces/ ibport* --echo # Start the DB server --source include/start_mysqld.inc SELECT * FROM ibport_t1 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t5 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t6 ORDER BY a; --replace_result $MYSQL_TMP_DIR MYSQL_TMP_DIR SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', d.path 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles d WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = d.space ORDER BY s.space; --replace_result $MYSQL_TMP_DIR MYSQL_TMP_DIR SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', f.file_name 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.files f WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = f.file_id ORDER BY s.space; --replace_result $MYSQL_TMP_DIR MYSQL_TMP_DIR SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t5; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t6; --echo # Add some uncommitted records to these tablespaces before clean shutdown INSERT INTO ibport_t1 VALUES (7, 'Seven', 77); INSERT INTO ibport_t5 VALUES (7, 'Seven', 77); INSERT INTO ibport_t6 VALUES (7, 'Seven', 77); BEGIN; UPDATE ibport_t1 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t5 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t6 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t1 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t5 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t6 WHERE a = 3; --echo # --echo # Shutdown the server again and move each of the tablespaces to --echo # a common location and update the ISL files accordingly. --echo # --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --move_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables/ibport_t1.ibd $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ibport_t1.ibd --move_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces/ibport_s1_gen.ibd $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ibport_s1_gen.ibd --move_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces/ibport_s2_gen.ibd $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ibport_s2_gen.ibd --exec echo $MYSQL_TMP_DIR\\portability/altogether/ibport_t1.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ibport_t1.isl --exec echo $MYSQL_TMP_DIR\\portability/altogether\\ibport_s1_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s1_gen.isl --exec echo $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether\\ibport_s2_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s2_gen.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ --list_files $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ --echo # Start the DB server --source include/start_mysqld.inc --replace_result $MYSQL_TMP_DIR MYSQL_TMP_DIR SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', d.path 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles d WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = d.space ORDER BY s.space; --replace_result $MYSQL_TMP_DIR MYSQL_TMP_DIR SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', f.file_name 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.files f WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = f.file_id ORDER BY s.space; --replace_result $MYSQL_TMP_DIR MYSQL_TMP_DIR SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t5; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t6; SELECT * FROM ibport_t1 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t5 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t6 ORDER BY a; --echo # Add some uncommitted records to these tablespaces before clean shutdown INSERT INTO ibport_t1 VALUES (8, 'Eight', 88); INSERT INTO ibport_t5 VALUES (8, 'Eight', 88); INSERT INTO ibport_t6 VALUES (8, 'Eight', 88); BEGIN; UPDATE ibport_t1 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t5 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t6 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t1 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t5 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t6 WHERE a = 3; --echo # --echo # Shutdown the server again and move each of the tablespaces to their --echo # default locations. Leave the ISL files and the dictionary pointing to --echo # the MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether location. The dictionary --echo # will be adjusted when the files are found in the default locations. --echo # The ISL files will be ignored. --echo # --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --move_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ibport_t1.ibd $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ibport_t1.ibd --move_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ibport_s1_gen.ibd $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s1_gen.ibd --move_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ibport_s2_gen.ibd $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s2_gen.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.ibd --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.isl --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Directory listing of MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ --list_files $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether/ --echo # Start the DB server --source include/start_mysqld.inc SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t5; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t6; SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', d.path 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles d WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = d.space ORDER BY s.space; SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', f.file_name 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.files f WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = f.file_id ORDER BY s.space; SELECT * FROM ibport_t1 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t5 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t6 ORDER BY a; --echo # Add some uncommitted records to these tablespaces before clean shutdown INSERT INTO ibport_t1 VALUES (9, 'Nine', 99); INSERT INTO ibport_t5 VALUES (9, 'Nine', 99); INSERT INTO ibport_t6 VALUES (9, 'Nine', 99); BEGIN; UPDATE ibport_t1 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t5 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; UPDATE ibport_t6 SET a = 99, b = 'Uncommitted' WHERE a < 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t1 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t5 WHERE a = 3; DELETE FROM ibport_t6 WHERE a = 3; --echo # --echo # Shutdown the server again and move each of the tablespaces to the --echo # original locations. --echo # Make the ISL files point to these locations. using relative pathnames. --echo # The dictionary is pointing to the default locations and will be adjusted. --echo # --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --move_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s2_gen.ibd $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../spaces/ibport_s2_gen.ibd --remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ibport_t1.isl --exec echo ..\\spaces/ibport_s2_gen.ibd > $MYSQLD_DATADIR/ibport_s2_gen.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.frm --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.isl --echo # Directory listing of MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --list_files $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/ ibport*.ibd --echo # Start the DB server --source include/start_mysqld.inc SELECT * FROM ibport_t1 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t5 ORDER BY a; SELECT * FROM ibport_t6 ORDER BY a; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t5; SHOW CREATE TABLE ibport_t6; SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', d.path 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles d WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = d.space ORDER BY s.space; SELECT s.space_type 'Type', s.name 'Space Name', f.file_name 'Path' FROM information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces s, information_schema.files f WHERE s.name like '%ibport%' AND s.space = f.file_id ORDER BY s.space; --echo # --echo # Cleanup --echo # DROP TABLE ibport_t1; DROP TABLE ibport_t5; DROP TABLE ibport_t6; DROP TABLESPACE ibport_s1; DROP TABLESPACE ibport_s2; --rmdir $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../spaces --rmdir $MYSQLD_DATADIR/../remote --rmdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/altogether --rmdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/tables --rmdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability/spaces --rmdir $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/portability --disable_query_log call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR\\] InnoDB: Operating system error number .* in a file operation"); call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR\\] InnoDB: Cannot open datafile for read-only:"); call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR\\] InnoDB: A link file was found named '.*isl' but the linked tablespace '.*ibd' could not be opened read-only"); call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR\\] InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified"); call mtr.add_suppression("\\[ERROR\\] InnoDB: If you are installing InnoDB, remember that you must create directories yourself, InnoDB does not create them"); --enable_query_log