eval CREATE TABLE t575 (a int PRIMARY KEY, b varchar(63)) ENGINE = InnoDB PARTITION BY RANGE (a) (PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (100), PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (200), PARTITION pmax VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE); INSERT INTO t575 (a) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); UPDATE t575 SET b = CONCAT("Filler_", a); INSERT INTO t575 SELECT a + 100, CONCAT("Filler_", a + 100) FROM t575; INSERT INTO t575 SELECT a + 200, CONCAT("Filler_", a + 200) FROM t575; if (! $TABLE_NAME) { let $TABLE_NAME=t575; } if (`SELECT "$TABLE_NAME" != "t575"`) { eval RENAME TABLE t575 TO $TABLE_NAME; } --echo # Flush out the old table definition so it can be replaced eval FLUSH TABLE $TABLE_NAME; --echo # Replace the .frm and copy a .par file, so it is the same as a 5.7.5 --echo # table. InnoDB internals is the same. Notice char(64) instead of (63)! --remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/$TABLE_NAME.frm --copy_file std_data/parts/t575.frm $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/$TABLE_NAME.frm --copy_file std_data/parts/t575.par $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/$TABLE_NAME.par