# Assert empty values in columns of performance_schema.thread table # # The columns must be empty when there is no user on # X connection. This include file is dedicated for # performance_schema_threads.test # # Usage: # --source ../include/performance_schema_assert_empty_worker_threads.inc # --echo # --echo # Get actual number of worker threads --echo # let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*)=@@mysqlx_min_worker_threads FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE name LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker"; source include/wait_condition_or_abort.inc; let $thread_entries=`SELECT @@mysqlx_min_worker_threads`; let $assert_text= X Plugin must have idle worker threads; let $assert_cond= [SELECT $thread_entries as `Result`, Result, 1] > 0; --source include/assert.inc --echo # --echo # Assert all significant columns in thread table --echo # let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `CONNECTION_TYPE`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `CONNECTION_TYPE` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_USER`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_USER` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_HOST`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_HOST` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_DB`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_DB` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_COMMAND`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_COMMAND` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_TIME`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_TIME` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_STATE`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_STATE` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_INFO`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_INFO` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_COMMAND`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_COMMAND` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc let $assert_text= All workers must have NULL in field `PROCESSLIST_ID`; let $assert_cond= [SELECT COUNT(*) as `Result` FROM `performance_schema`.`threads` WHERE `name` LIKE "thread/mysqlx/worker" and `PROCESSLIST_ID` is NULL, Result, 1] = $thread_entries; --source include/assert.inc