# ==== Usage ==== # [--let $rpl_debug=1] # --let $rpl_log_var_name= log_bin_basename|relay_log_basename|... # --source suite/sys_vars/inc/bin_relay_log_basename_index.inc # # $rpl_log_var_name # The name of the variable to test, i.e., one of: # - log_bin_basename # - relay_log_basename # - log_bin_index # - relay_log_index # # $rpl_debug # See include/rpl_init.inc if ($rpl_debug) { --echo Testing variable named: $rpl_log_var_name } --let $basename= `SELECT @@global.$rpl_log_var_name` # # Assert that the variable is indeed only global # --replace_result $basename REPLACED --eval select @@global.$rpl_log_var_name --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR --eval select @@session.$rpl_log_var_name # # Assert that it is retrievable # --replace_result $basename REPLACED --eval show global variables like '$rpl_log_var_name' --replace_result $basename REPLACED --eval show session variables like '$rpl_log_var_name' --disable_warnings --replace_result $basename REPLACED --eval select * from information_schema.global_variables where variable_name='$rpl_log_var_name' --replace_result $basename REPLACED --eval select * from information_schema.session_variables where variable_name='$rpl_log_var_name' --enable_warnings # # Assert it is read-only # --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR --eval set global $rpl_log_var_name=1 --error ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR --eval set session $rpl_log_var_name=1