# Continuation of tests for optimizer trace --source include/have_optimizer_trace.inc let $DEFAULT_TRACE_MEM_SIZE=1048576; # 1MB eval set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=$DEFAULT_TRACE_MEM_SIZE; set end_markers_in_json=on; set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; --echo # check that if a sub-statement should not be traced, --echo # it is not traced even if inside a traced top statement --echo set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; delimiter |; create function f1(arg char(1)) returns int begin declare res int; declare dummy varchar(1); select 1 into res from dual; select TRACE+NULL into dummy from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE limit 1; select 2 into res from dual; return 3; end| # ps-protocol specific note: as we asked to retain all traces, # we see the one of PREPARE too. select f1("c")| --echo # we should not see the trace of "select TRACE+NULL..." # because tracing is disabled when OPTIMIZER_TRACE table is used. select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE| delimiter ;| set optimizer_trace_offset=default, optimizer_trace_limit=default; drop function f1; --echo # check that if a tracing gets disabled in a routine's body, --echo # substatements are not traced --echo set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; delimiter |; create function f1(arg char(1)) returns int begin declare res int; declare dummy varchar(1); set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; select 1 into res from dual; select TRACE+NULL into dummy from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE limit 1; select 2 into res from dual; return 3; end| select f1("c")| --echo select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE| delimiter ;| set optimizer_trace_offset=default, optimizer_trace_limit=default; select @@optimizer_trace; set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; drop function f1; --echo --echo # Check that if a sub-statement reads OPTIMIZER_TRACE, --echo # thus reading the unfinished trace of its caller statement, --echo # there is no crash. --echo create temporary table optt (id int primary key auto_increment, QUERY varchar(200), TRACE text); create table t1 (a int, key(a)); insert into t1 values(2); set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; delimiter |; create function f1(arg char(1)) returns int begin declare res int; insert into optt select NULL, QUERY, TRACE from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; return 3; end| select * from t1 where a in (select f1("c") from t1)| --echo delimiter ;| set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; --echo this should find unfinished traces select count(*) from optt where TRACE NOT LIKE "%] /* steps */\n}"; select count(*)<>0 from optt; --echo this should not select count(*) from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE where TRACE NOT LIKE "%] /* steps */\n}"; select count(*)<>0 from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=default, optimizer_trace_limit=default; drop temporary table optt; drop function f1; drop table t1; set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; --echo --echo # check of crash with I_S.VIEWS (TABLE_LIST::alias==NULL) --echo create table t1(a int, b int); create view v1 as select a from t1; select VIEW_DEFINITION from information_schema.VIEWS where TABLE_SCHEMA="test" and TABLE_NAME="v1"; drop table t1; drop view v1; --echo --echo # check for readable display of BIT values --echo create table t1 (a bit(5), key(a)); insert into t1 values(b'00000'),(b'01101'); select cast(a as unsigned) from t1 where a > b'01100'; # Note that in the trace we get either 0x0c or 12 select TRACE from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; drop table t1; --echo --echo # check that trace lists all pushed down ON conditions --echo create table t1 (i int not null); insert into t1 values (0), (2),(3),(4); create table t2 (i int not null); insert into t2 values (0),(1), (3),(4); create table t3 (i int not null); insert into t3 values (0),(1),(2), (4); select * from t1 LEFT JOIN ( t2 LEFT JOIN ( t3 ) ON t3.i = t2.i ) ON t2.i = t1.i WHERE t3.i IS NULL ; select TRACE from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; drop table t1,t2,t3; --echo --echo # test of tracing a query with an HAVING condition, in --echo # ps-protocol, does not crash --echo # Comes from having.test CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT, f2 VARCHAR(1)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (16,'f'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (16,'f'); CREATE TABLE t2 (f1 INT, f2 VARCHAR(1)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (13,'f'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (20,'f'); CREATE TABLE t3 (f1 INT, f2 VARCHAR(1)); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (7,'f'); --source include/turn_off_only_full_group_by.inc EXPLAIN SELECT t1.f2 FROM t1 STRAIGHT_JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 ON t3.f2 = t2.f2 ) ON t3 .f2 = t2 .f2 HAVING ('v', 'i') NOT IN (SELECT f2, MIN(f2) FROM t1) ORDER BY f2; SELECT t1.f2 FROM t1 STRAIGHT_JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 ON t3.f2 = t2.f2 ) ON t3 .f2 = t2 .f2 HAVING ('v', 'i') NOT IN (SELECT f2, MIN(f2) FROM t1) ORDER BY f2; --replace_regex /("sort_buffer_size":) [0-9]+/\1 "NNN"/ select TRACE from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --source include/restore_sql_mode_after_turn_off_only_full_group_by.inc DROP TABLES t1,t2,t3; --echo --echo # Test that tracing a query with a materialized FROM-clause --echo # derived table using a GROUP BY, does not crash --echo # Comes from profiling.test create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values (1,1), (2,null), (3, 4); select max(x) from (select sum(a) as x from t1 group by b) as teeone; --replace_regex /("sort_buffer_size":) [0-9]+/\1 "NNN"/ select TRACE from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; drop table t1; --echo --echo # To have no crash above, we had to restore the ref_array at --echo # end of JOIN::exec(). This impacts how the query looks like, --echo # but not too much, as seen in the error message below. --echo # Comes from func_gconcat.test. --echo CREATE TABLE t1(f1 int); INSERT INTO t1 values (0),(0); set optimizer_trace="enabled=off"; --disable_ps_protocol --error ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE SELECT POLYGON((SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 IN (GROUP_CONCAT(t1.f1)) FROM t1, t1 t GROUP BY t.f1 ) d)); --enable_ps_protocol set optimizer_trace="enabled=on"; --disable_ps_protocol --error ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE SELECT POLYGON((SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 IN (GROUP_CONCAT(t1.f1)) FROM t1, t1 t GROUP BY t.f1 ) d)); --enable_ps_protocol DROP TABLE t1; --echo --echo # Check that SQL PREPARE and SQL EXECUTE each produce one trace. --echo set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; prepare stmt from "select 1"; select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; execute stmt; select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; deallocate prepare stmt; set optimizer_trace_offset=default, optimizer_trace_limit=default; --echo --echo # Test of SELECTs in IF in stored routine. --echo # Same test for CASE WHEN. --echo create table t1 (a int); delimiter |; create procedure p1() begin if exists(select 1) then insert into t1 values(1); end if; if exists(select 2) then insert into t1 values(2); end if; if (select count(*) from t1) then insert into t1 values(3); end if; set @a=(select count(a) from t1 where a>0); case (select count(a) from t1 where a>1) when 2 then set @b=2; else set @b=3; end case; end| delimiter ;| set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; set @old_max=@@optimizer_trace_max_mem_size; set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=40000; call p1(); # SET @a=(SELECT) is not traced because part of SET # which is a real command and not traced. select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; select * from t1; select @a,@b; set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=@old_max; drop procedure p1; drop table t1; --echo --echo # Test of tracing of DO. --echo set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; do (select 42); select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; --echo --echo # Test of tracing of subquery used in parameter of routine call --echo create table t1(a int); insert into t1 values(1),(2); delimiter |; create procedure p1(x int) begin declare b int; set b=(select 2+x from dual); end| delimiter ;| set optimizer_trace_offset=0, optimizer_trace_limit=100; call p1((select a from t1 limit 1)); select * from information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; drop procedure p1; drop table t1; set optimizer_trace_offset=default, optimizer_trace_limit=default; --echo --echo # Test that printing expanded query does not alter query's --echo # results. --echo # Comes from ctype_utf8mb4_heap.test --echo create table t1 (f1 varchar(1) not null) default charset utf8mb4; insert into t1 values (''), (''); select concat(concat(_latin1'->',f1),_latin1'<-') from t1; select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace; drop table t1; --echo --echo # Bug#12546331 - SEGFAULT IN SUBSELECT_INDEXSUBQUERY_ENGINE::PRINT WITH OPTIMIZER TRACE --echo CREATE TABLE t1 ( col_int_nokey INT, col_int_key INT, col_varchar_key varchar(1), KEY col_int_key (col_int_key), KEY col_varchar_key (col_varchar_key,col_int_key) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL,8,'x'), (8,7,'d'), (1,1,'r'), (9,7,'f'), (4,9,'y'), (3,NULL,'u'), (2,1,'m'), (NULL,9,NULL), (2,2,'o'), (NULL,9,'w'), (6,2,'m'), (7,4,'q'), (2,0,NULL), (5,4,'d'), (7,8,'g'), (6,NULL,'x'), (6,NULL,'f'), (2,0,'p'), (9,NULL,'j'), (6,8,'c') ; CREATE TABLE t2 ( col_int_nokey INT, col_int_key INT, col_varchar_key varchar(1), KEY col_int_key (col_int_key), KEY col_varchar_key (col_varchar_key,col_int_key) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,4,'v'), (150,62,'v'), (NULL,7,'c'), (2,1,NULL), (5,0,'x'), (3,7,'i'), (1,7,'e'), (4,1,'p'), (NULL,7,'s'), (2,1,'j'), (6,5,'z'), (6,2,'c'), (8,0,'a'), (2,1,'q'), (6,8,'y'), (8,1,NULL), (3,1,'r'), (3,9,'v'), (9,1,NULL), (6,5,'r') ; SELECT col_int_nokey FROM ( SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE col_varchar_key > 'a' OR ( 7 , 5 ) NOT IN ( SELECT col_int_nokey , col_int_key FROM t1 ) ) AS alias1; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; --echo --echo BUG#12552262 - INVALID JSON WITH TWO CALLS TO TEST_QUICK_SELECT --echo CREATE TABLE t1 ( col_varchar_10_latin1_key varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, col_int_key INT, KEY col_int_key (col_int_key) ); CREATE TABLE t2 ( col_varchar_10_latin1_key varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, col_varchar_10_utf8_key varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, col_int_key INT, KEY col_varchar_10_utf8_key (col_varchar_10_utf8_key), KEY col_int_key (col_int_key) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('qykbaqfyhz','l',NULL); CREATE TABLE t3 ( col_int_key INT, col_varchar_10_utf8_key varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, col_varchar_10_latin1_key varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, KEY col_varchar_10_utf8_key (col_varchar_10_utf8_key), KEY col_varchar_10_latin1_key (col_varchar_10_latin1_key) ); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (0,'s','it'); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (9,'IQTHK','JCAQM'); SELECT table2.col_int_key FROM t3 AS table1 LEFT JOIN t1 AS table2 ON table1.col_int_key < table2.col_int_key LEFT JOIN t2 AS table3 ON table2.col_varchar_10_latin1_key >= table3.col_varchar_10_utf8_key ; select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; --echo --echo Tests of tracing of the "eq_ref optimization" of plan search --echo # test for trace point "chosen:true","pruned_by_cost:true" and # "added_to_eq_ref_extension:true" (from main.subquery_sj_none_jcl7) create table t0 (a int); insert into t0 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t1 (a int, b int, key(a)); create table t2 (a int, b int, key(a)); create table t3 (a int, b int, key(a)); insert into t1 select a,a from t0; insert into t2 select a,a from t0; insert into t3 select a,a from t0; set @old_opt_switch=@@optimizer_switch; # The SET below must not be output, because only servers supporting # semijoin will execute it (would make varying output). if (`select locate('semijoin', @@optimizer_switch) > 0`) { --disable_query_log set optimizer_switch="semijoin=off,materialization=off"; --enable_query_log } explain select * from t0 where a in (select t2.a+t3.a from t1 left join (t2 join t3) on t2.a=t1.a and t3.a=t1.a); select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace; set optimizer_switch=@old_opt_switch; drop table t0,t1,t2,t3; # test for trace point "added_to_eq_ref_extension:false" (from main.derived) CREATE TABLE t1 ( OBJECTID int(11) NOT NULL default '0', SORTORDER int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, KEY t1_SortIndex (SORTORDER), KEY t1_IdIndex (OBJECTID) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE t2 ( ID int(11) default NULL, PARID int(11) default NULL, UNIQUE KEY t2_ID_IDX (ID), KEY t2_PARID_IDX (PARID) ) engine=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1000,0),(1001,0),(1002,0),(1003,0),(1008,1),(1009,1),(1010,1),(1011,1),(1016,2); CREATE TABLE t3 ( ID int(11) default NULL, DATA decimal(10,2) default NULL, UNIQUE KEY t3_ID_IDX (ID) ) engine=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1000,0.00),(1001,0.25),(1002,0.50),(1003,0.75),(1008,1.00),(1009,1.25),(1010,1.50),(1011,1.75); select 497, tmp.ID, NULL from (select 497 as ID, MAX(t3.DATA) as DATA from t1 join t2 on (t1.ObjectID = t2.ID) join t3 on (t1.ObjectID = t3.ID) group by t2.ParID order by DATA DESC) as tmp; select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace; drop table t1,t2,t3; # test of multiple nested trace points "added_to_eq_ref_extension:true" # (eq_ref optimization finding a sequence of eq_ref-joined tables) (from # main.type_blob) CREATE TABLE t1 ( t1_id bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment, _field_72 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, _field_95 varchar(32), _field_115 tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, _field_122 tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, _field_126 tinyint(4), _field_134 tinyint(4), PRIMARY KEY (t1_id), UNIQUE _field_72 (_field_72), KEY _field_115 (_field_115), KEY _field_122 (_field_122) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'admin','21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3',0,1,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'hroberts','7415275a8c95952901e42b13a6b78566',0,1,NULL,NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,'guest','d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',1,0,NULL,NULL); CREATE TABLE t2 ( seq_0_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, seq_1_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (seq_0_id,seq_1_id) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,2); SET sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; CREATE TABLE t3 ( t3_id bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment, _field_131 varchar(128), _field_133 tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, _field_135 datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, _field_137 tinyint(4), _field_139 datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL, _field_140 blob, _field_142 tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, _field_145 tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, _field_148 tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (t3_id), KEY _field_133 (_field_133), KEY _field_135 (_field_135), KEY _field_139 (_field_139), KEY _field_142 (_field_142), KEY _field_145 (_field_145), KEY _field_148 (_field_148) ); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,'test job 1',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',0,'1999-02-25 22:43:32','test\r\njob\r\n1',0,0,0); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2,'test job 2',0,'0000-00-00 00:00:00',0,'1999-02-26 21:08:04','',0,0,0); SET sql_mode = default; CREATE TABLE t4 ( seq_0_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, seq_1_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (seq_0_id,seq_1_id) ); INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (2,1); CREATE TABLE t5 ( t5_id bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment, _field_149 tinyint(4), _field_156 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, _field_157 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, _field_158 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, _field_159 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, _field_160 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, _field_161 varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (t5_id), KEY _field_156 (_field_156), KEY _field_157 (_field_157), KEY _field_158 (_field_158), KEY _field_159 (_field_159), KEY _field_160 (_field_160), KEY _field_161 (_field_161) ); INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (1,0,'tomato','','','','',''); INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (2,0,'cilantro','','','','',''); CREATE TABLE t6 ( seq_0_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, seq_1_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (seq_0_id,seq_1_id) ); INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (1,1); INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (1,2); INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (2,2); CREATE TABLE t7 ( t7_id bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment, _field_143 tinyint(4), _field_165 varchar(32), _field_166 smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (t7_id), KEY _field_166 (_field_166) ); INSERT INTO t7 VALUES (1,0,'High',1); INSERT INTO t7 VALUES (2,0,'Medium',2); INSERT INTO t7 VALUES (3,0,'Low',3); --source include/turn_off_only_full_group_by.inc select replace(t3._field_140, "\r","^M"), t3_id, min(t3._field_131), min(t3._field_135), min(t3._field_139), min(t3._field_137), min(link_alias_142._field_165), min(link_alias_133._field_72), min(t3._field_145), min(link_alias_148._field_156), replace(min(t3._field_140), "\r","^M"), t3.t3_id from t3 left join t4 on t4.seq_0_id = t3.t3_id left join t7 link_alias_142 on t4.seq_1_id = link_alias_142.t7_id left join t6 on t6.seq_0_id = t3.t3_id left join t1 link_alias_133 on t6.seq_1_id = link_alias_133.t1_id left join t2 on t2.seq_0_id = t3.t3_id left join t5 link_alias_148 on t2.seq_1_id = link_alias_148.t5_id where t3.t3_id in (1) group by t3.t3_id order by link_alias_142._field_166, _field_139, link_alias_133._field_72, _field_135, link_alias_148._field_156 ; select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace; --source include/restore_sql_mode_after_turn_off_only_full_group_by.inc drop table t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7; --echo # --echo # Tracing of ORDER BY & GROUP BY simplification. --echo # # this is originally the testcase for # Bug#12699645 SELECT SUM() + STRAIGHT_JOIN QUERY MISSES ROWS CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk INT, col_int_key INT, col_varchar_key VARCHAR(1), col_varchar_nokey VARCHAR(1) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10,7,'v','v'),(11,0,'s','s'),(12,9,'l','l'),(13,3,'y','y'),(14,4,'c','c'), (15,2,'i','i'),(16,5,'h','h'),(17,3,'q','q'),(18,1,'a','a'),(19,3,'v','v'), (20,6,'u','u'),(21,7,'s','s'),(22,5,'y','y'),(23,1,'z','z'),(24,204,'h','h'), (25,224,'p','p'),(26,9,'e','e'),(27,5,'i','i'),(28,0,'y','y'),(29,3,'w','w'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( pk INT, col_int_key INT, col_varchar_key VARCHAR(1), col_varchar_nokey VARCHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (pk) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,4,'b','b'),(2,8,'y','y'),(3,0,'p','p'),(4,0,'f','f'),(5,0,'p','p'), (6,7,'d','d'),(7,7,'f','f'),(8,5,'j','j'),(9,3,'e','e'),(10,188,'u','u'), (11,4,'v','v'),(12,9,'u','u'),(13,6,'i','i'),(14,1,'x','x'),(15,5,'l','l'), (16,6,'q','q'),(17,2,'n','n'),(18,4,'r','r'),(19,231,'c','c'),(20,4,'h','h'), (21,3,'k','k'),(22,3,'t','t'),(23,7,'t','t'),(24,6,'k','k'),(25,7,'g','g'), (26,9,'z','z'),(27,4,'n','n'),(28,4,'j','j'),(29,2,'l','l'),(30,1,'d','d'), (31,2,'t','t'),(32,194,'y','y'),(33,2,'i','i'),(34,3,'j','j'),(35,8,'r','r'), (36,4,'b','b'),(37,9,'o','o'),(38,4,'k','k'),(39,5,'a','a'),(40,5,'f','f'), (41,9,'t','t'),(42,3,'c','c'),(43,8,'c','c'),(44,0,'r','r'),(45,98,'k','k'), (46,3,'l','l'),(47,1,'o','o'),(48,0,'t','t'),(49,189,'v','v'),(50,8,'x','x'), (51,3,'j','j'),(52,3,'x','x'),(53,9,'k','k'),(54,6,'o','o'),(55,8,'z','z'), (56,3,'n','n'),(57,9,'c','c'),(58,5,'d','d'),(59,9,'s','s'),(60,2,'j','j'), (61,2,'w','w'),(62,5,'f','f'),(63,8,'p','p'),(64,6,'o','o'),(65,9,'f','f'), (66,0,'x','x'),(67,3,'q','q'),(68,6,'g','g'),(69,5,'x','x'),(70,8,'p','p'), (71,2,'q','q'),(72,120,'q','q'),(73,25,'v','v'),(74,1,'g','g'),(75,3,'l','l'), (76,1,'w','w'),(77,3,'h','h'),(78,153,'c','c'),(79,5,'o','o'),(80,9,'o','o'), (81,1,'v','v'),(82,8,'y','y'),(83,7,'d','d'),(84,6,'p','p'),(85,2,'z','z'), (86,4,'t','t'),(87,7,'b','b'),(88,3,'y','y'),(89,8,'k','k'),(90,4,'c','c'), (91,6,'z','z'),(92,1,'t','t'),(93,7,'o','o'),(94,1,'u','u'),(95,0,'t','t'), (96,2,'k','k'),(97,7,'u','u'),(98,2,'b','b'),(99,1,'m','m'),(100,5,'o','o'); # We see the functional dependency implied by ON let $query= SELECT SUM(alias2.col_varchar_nokey) , alias2.pk AS field2 FROM t1 AS alias1 STRAIGHT_JOIN t2 AS alias2 ON alias2.pk = alias1.col_int_key WHERE alias1.pk GROUP BY field2 ORDER BY alias1.col_int_key,alias2.pk ; eval $query; --replace_regex /("sort_buffer_size":) [0-9]+/\1 "NNN"/ SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; DROP TABLE t1,t2; --echo # --echo # Trace of "condition on constant tables" --echo # create table t1(a int) engine=myisam; insert into t1 values(26); create table t2(b int primary key, c int) engine=myisam; insert into t2 values(1,100),(2,200),(3,300); select * from t1,t2 where t1.a+t2.c=cos(10) and t2.b=2; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; drop table t1,t2; --echo # --echo # Trace of non-default db --echo # create table t1(a int); insert into t1 values(1),(2),(3); create database mysqltest2; create table mysqltest2.t2(a int); insert into mysqltest2.t2 values(1),(2); select * from t1,mysqltest2.t2; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.OPTIMIZER_TRACE; drop table t1; drop database mysqltest2;