# # Get the mysqlbinlog tool --verbose mode to dump the Binlog contents with # extra row data included, e.g. # #### Extra row data format: 0, len: 8 :0x0007200006000000 # # Then process this input to get the number of distinct values, and hence # distinct transaction ids in the binlog # --disable_query_log let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir;`; --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --verbose $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysqld-bin.000001 > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/ndb_binlog_mysqlbinlog.sql create table raw_binlog_rows (txt varchar(1000)); create table diff_extra_data (txt varchar(1000)); --eval load data local infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/ndb_binlog_mysqlbinlog.sql' into table raw_binlog_rows columns terminated by '\n'; insert into diff_extra_data select distinct(txt) from raw_binlog_rows where txt like '### Extra row data %'; --enable_query_log --echo Number of different transaction ids in Binlog select count(1) as number_of_transactions from diff_extra_data; --disable_query_log drop table diff_extra_data; drop table raw_binlog_rows; --enable_query_log