# ndb_check_blob_tables.inc - check that all blob tables use same hashmap as main table
# Usage:
# let ndb_die_on_error= 1; # 1 if it should fail on hashmap mismatch
# let ndb_database=
# let ndb_table= ;
# --source suite/ndb/include/ndb_check_blob_tables.inc
use strict;
my $die_on_error = $ENV{ndb_die_on_error};
my $db = $ENV{ndb_database} or die "Missing ndb_database in environment";
my $tbl = $ENV{ndb_table} or die "Mising ndb_table in environment";
my $cmd = "$ENV{NDB_DESC} -d$db $tbl";
my $hashmap;
open MAIN, "$cmd|";
print "Table: $db.$tbl\n";
while ()
if (/HashMap: (\S+).*/)
$hashmap = $1;
if (/(\w+) .* BT=(NDB.BLOB_\d+_\d+).*/)
my $column = $1;
my $blob_table = $2;
my $bt_hashmap;
$blob_table =~ s/_/\"\"_/;
open BLOB, "$ENV{NDB_DESC} -d$db $blob_table|"
or die "FAILED: $ENV{NDB_DESC} -d$db $blob_table|";
while ()
if (/HashMap: (\S+).*/)
$bt_hashmap = $1;
close BLOB;
if ($die_on_error and ($bt_hashmap ne $hashmap))
die "Blob table $db.$blob_table for $db.$tbl.$column have wrong hashmap. ($bt_hashmap is not $hashmap)"
close MAIN;
let ndb_die_on_error=;
let ndb_database=;
let ndb_table=;