# # Test to cause merge of the pages (at secondary index by deleting) # test/tab1 should be created already with innodb_file_per_table=ON # The definition is intended to be based on # "create table tab1 (a bigint primary key, b blob) engine=InnoDB row_format=dynamic;" # "create index index1 on tab1(b(750));" # --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_innodb_16k.inc # turn on flags --disable_query_log SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_enable=index_page_merge_attempts; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset=index_page_merge_attempts; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_enable=index_page_merge_successful; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset=index_page_merge_successful; --enable_query_log --echo # check MERGE_THRESHOLD select t.NAME as TABLE_NAME, i.NAME as INDEX_NAME, i.MERGE_THRESHOLD from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_TABLES t, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_INDEXES i where t.TABLE_ID = i.TABLE_ID and t.NAME like 'test/tab1%'; INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (1, concat("01", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (2, concat("02", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (3, concat("03", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (4, concat("04", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (5, concat("05", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (6, concat("06", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (7, concat("07", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (8, concat("08", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (9, concat("09", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (10, concat("10", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (22, concat("22", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (23, concat("23", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (24, concat("24", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (25, concat("25", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (26, concat("26", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (27, concat("27", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (28, concat("28", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (29, concat("29", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (30, concat("30", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (31, concat("31", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (32, concat("32", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (33, concat("33", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (11, concat("11", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (12, concat("12", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (13, concat("13", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (14, concat("14", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (15, concat("15", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (16, concat("16", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (17, concat("17", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (18, concat("18", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (19, concat("19", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (20, concat("20", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (21, concat("21", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (34, concat("34", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (35, concat("35", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (36, concat("36", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (37, concat("37", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (38, concat("38", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (39, concat("39", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (40, concat("40", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (41, concat("41", repeat('a',8190))); INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (42, concat("42", repeat('a',8190))); # clustered index is still root page only with the 42 records. # secondary index is filled 2 leaf pages have been prepared # | 1,..,21 | 22,..,42 | select PAGE_NUMBER, NUMBER_RECORDS from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES s1, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE s2 where s1.SPACE = s2.SPACE AND NAME like 'test/tab1%' and PAGE_TYPE = "INDEX" order by PAGE_NUMBER, NUMBER_RECORDS; set global innodb_purge_stop_now=ON; delete from tab1 where a = 33; delete from tab1 where a = 34; delete from tab1 where a = 35; delete from tab1 where a = 36; delete from tab1 where a = 37; delete from tab1 where a = 38; delete from tab1 where a = 39; delete from tab1 where a = 40; delete from tab1 where a = 41; delete from tab1 where a = 42; delete from tab1 where a = 12; delete from tab1 where a = 13; delete from tab1 where a = 14; delete from tab1 where a = 15; delete from tab1 where a = 16; delete from tab1 where a = 17; delete from tab1 where a = 18; delete from tab1 where a = 19; delete from tab1 where a = 20; delete from tab1 where a = 21; set global innodb_purge_run_now=ON; # wait for purge view progress (records are deleted actually by purge) --source include/wait_innodb_all_purged.inc # secondary index is not merged yet # | 1,..,11 | 22,..,32 | --echo # check page merge happens (nothing is expected) SELECT name,count_reset FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE name like 'index_page_merge_%'; select PAGE_NUMBER, NUMBER_RECORDS from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES s1, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE s2 where s1.SPACE = s2.SPACE AND NAME like 'test/tab1%' and PAGE_TYPE = "INDEX" order by PAGE_NUMBER, NUMBER_RECORDS; set global innodb_purge_stop_now=ON; delete from tab1 where a = 32; set global innodb_purge_run_now=ON; # wait for purge view progress (records are deleted actually by purge) --source include/wait_innodb_all_purged.inc --echo # check page merge happens (MERGE_THRESHOLD=50 causes merge here) SELECT name,count_reset FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE name like 'index_page_merge_%'; set global innodb_purge_stop_now=ON; delete from tab1 where a = 31; set global innodb_purge_run_now=ON; # wait for purge view progress (records are deleted actually by purge) --source include/wait_innodb_all_purged.inc --echo # check page merge happens (MERGE_THRESHOLD=45 causes merge here) SELECT name,count_reset FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE name like 'index_page_merge_%'; set global innodb_purge_stop_now=ON; delete from tab1 where a = 30; set global innodb_purge_run_now=ON; # wait for purge view progress (records are deleted actually by purge) --source include/wait_innodb_all_purged.inc --echo # check page merge happens (MERGE_THRESHOLD=40 causes merge here) SELECT name,count_reset FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE name like 'index_page_merge_%'; --disable_query_log # Reset flags SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable=index_page_merge_attempts; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable=index_page_merge_successful; --disable_warnings set global innodb_monitor_enable = default; set global innodb_monitor_disable = default; set global innodb_monitor_reset = default; set global innodb_monitor_reset_all = default; --enable_warnings --enable_query_log