# ==== Purpose ==== # # Read a binlog.index or relay_log.index file into a table, and strip # away the path separators in a platform-independent way. # # ==== Usage ==== # # --let $index_file= FILE_NAME # --let $table= TABLE_NAME # --source include/rpl_read_binlog_index_into_table.inc # # Parameters: # # $index_file # The index file where the filenames are stored. # # $table # The filenames stored in $index_file will be read into the # 'filename' column of this table. --let $include_filename= rpl_read_binlog_index_into_table.inc --source include/begin_include_file.inc --disable_query_log # Disable escape character since otherwise to avoid that the path # separator under windows is treated as an escape. # # Trim leading .\ (on windows) or ./ (on other platforms). # # mtr does weird things with backslash escapes so we spell backslash # as CHAR(92) instead. eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$index_file' INTO TABLE $table FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' (@binlog_filename) SET filename = REPLACE(REPLACE(@binlog_filename, './', ''), CONCAT('.', CHAR(92)), ''); --let $include_filename= rpl_read_binlog_index_into_table.inc --source include/end_include_file.inc