--disable_query_log --disable_result_log # tbl10 and tbl100 are only used to fill the tables used during testing CREATE TABLE tbl10( k INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, i INT, PRIMARY KEY(k) ); INSERT INTO tbl10(i) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(0); CREATE TABLE tbl100 LIKE tbl10; INSERT INTO tbl100(i) SELECT x.i FROM tbl10 AS x, tbl10 AS y; let $i= 1; WHILE ($i < 10) { --let $stmt= CREATE TABLE t10_$i (pk int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, colidx int, col int, index (colidx)) --eval $stmt; --let $stmt= INSERT INTO t10_$i (colidx, col) SELECT k, k FROM tbl10 --eval $stmt; # Update index statistics ANALYZE TABLE t10_$i; --let $stmt= CREATE TABLE t100_$i (pk int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, colidx int, col int, index (colidx)) --eval $stmt; --let $stmt= INSERT INTO t100_$i (colidx, col) SELECT a.k, a.k FROM tbl10 a JOIN tbl10 b; --eval $stmt; # Update index statistics ANALYZE TABLE t100_$i; inc $i; } --enable_result_log --enable_query_log