# ==== Purpose ==== # # See include/begin_include_file.inc # # # ==== Usage ==== # # # At the end of include/my_file.inc: # --let $include_filename= my_file.inc # [--let $skip_restore_connection= 1] # [--let $rpl_debug= 1] # --source include/begin_include_file.inc # # Parameters: # $include_filename # Name of file that sources this file. # # $skip_restore_connection # By default, this script restores the connection that was active # when begin_include_file.inc was sourced. If # $skip_restore_connection is set, then this step is skipped and # end_include_file.inc leaves the connection as it was before # end_include_file.inc was sourced. --let $_tmp= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_warnings', 1, 1)` --let $_include_file_enabled_warnings= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_warnings', 2)` if ($_tmp) { --enable_warnings } if (!$_tmp) { --disable_warnings } --let $_tmp= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_query_log', 1, 1)` --let $_include_file_enabled_query_log= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_query_log', 2)` if ($_tmp) { --enable_query_log } if (!$_tmp) { --disable_query_log } --let $_tmp= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_result_log', 1, 1)` --let $_include_file_enabled_result_log= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_result_log', 2)` if ($_tmp) { --enable_result_log } if (!$_tmp) { --disable_result_log } --let $_tmp= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_abort_on_error', 1, 1)` --let $_include_file_enabled_abort_on_error= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_enabled_abort_on_error', 2)` if ($_tmp) { --enable_abort_on_error } if (!$_tmp) { --disable_abort_on_error } --let $_include_file_indent= `SELECT REPEAT('.', $_include_file_depth - 1)` --let $_include_file_rpl_connection_name= `SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('$_include_file_connection', ',', 1)` --let $_include_file_connection= `SELECT SUBSTRING('$_include_file_connection', LENGTH('$_include_file_rpl_connection_name') + 2)` if (!$skip_restore_connection) { --let $rpl_connection_name= $_include_file_rpl_connection_name --source include/rpl_connection.inc } --let $skip_restore_connection= 0 --dec $_include_file_depth if ($rpl_debug) { --echo $_include_file_indent==== END include/$include_filename ==== --echo $_include_file_indent con='$CURRENT_CONNECTION' warn='$ENABLED_WARNINGS' qlog='$ENABLED_QUERY_LOG' rlog='$ENABLED_RESULT_LOG' aborterr='$ENABLED_ABORT_ON_ERROR' } --let $include_filename=