# ==== Purpose ==== # # Auxiliary file used by include/mysqlbinlog_start_stop_1.inc # # This prints a header, then runs mysqlbinlog once with given parameters. # # ==== Usage ==== # # --let $extra_options= X # --let $options= Y # --source include/mysqlbinlog-start-stop-2.inc # # Parameters: # # $extra_options # Options that will be passed to mysqlbinlog but not printed to the test log # # $options # Options that will be printed as a header in the test log. # Pretty-print $option_text --let $option_text= `SELECT REPLACE('$options', '"', '')` --let $eq_pos= `SELECT LOCATE('=', '$option_text')` while ($eq_pos != 0) { --let $dash_pos= `SELECT LOCATE('--', '$option_text', $eq_pos)` --let $left_part= `SELECT SUBSTR('$option_text', 1, $eq_pos - 1)` --let $right_part= if ($dash_pos != 0) { --let $right_part= `SELECT CONCAT(' ', SUBSTR('$option_text', $dash_pos + 2))` } --let $option_text= $left_part$right_part --let $eq_pos= `SELECT LOCATE('=', '$option_text')` } --let $option_text= `SELECT REPLACE('$option_text', '--', '')` --echo --echo ---- $option_text ---- # Print output --let $mysqlbinlog_parameters= --short-form $options $extra_options --source include/mysqlbinlog.inc