# ==== Purpose ==== # # This is an auxiliary test script used by # extra/binlog_tests/enforce_gtid_consistency.test. It tests that # GTID-consistency violation error/warning is generated correctly for # a statement. # # ==== Usage ==== # # [--let $pre_statement= STATEMENT] # --let $gtid_next= VALUE # --let $statement= STATEMENT # --let $gtid_violation= [0|1] # --let $statement_ends_transaction= [0|1] # [--let $statement_ends_transaction_row= [0|1]] # --let $violation_result= [0|1|2] # --let $error_code= ER_SOMETHING # --let $error_message= some text # --let $sync_point= DEBUG_SYNC_POINT # # Parameters: # # $pre_statement, $gtid_next, $statement # This script will do the following: # 1. Set GTID_NEXT='$gtid_next'. If $gtid_next is equal to GTID # (the four letters G, T, I, and D), then the script will # generate a GTID to use. # 2. Execute $pre_statement, if it is not empty. # 3. Execute $statement. # # $gtid_violation # Set this to 1 if it is expected that $statement generates a # GTID violation, 0 if not. # # $violation_result # Just because there is a GTID violation, it does not have to # result in an error. It could go through without problems # (e.g. if gtid_mode=off and enforce_gtid_consistency=off) or it # could generate a warning (e.g. if gtid_next!=UUID:NUMBER and # enforce_gtid_consistency=WARN) or it could generate an error # (e.g. if enforce_gtid_consistency=ON or gtid_next=UUID:NUMBER). # $violation_result specifies what is expected if this is a GTID # violation: 0 means no problem, 1 means error, and 2 means # warning. # # $statement_ends_transaction # Set this to 0 if the transaction is still expected to be open # after $statement has been executed; set it to 1 if the # transaction is expected to have ended. This affects the expected # value of the counters # ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT and # ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT, since a # transaction that increases the counters will decrease them when # the transaction ends. # # $statement_ends_transaction_row # Normally, $statement_ends_transaction is used regardless of # BINLOG_FORMAT. But in some corner cases, the value of # $statement_ends_transaction depends on BINLOG_FORMAT. For those # cases, the caller should set $statement_ends_transaction to the # expected value when BINLOG_FORMAT==STATEMENT or MIXED, and # $statement_ends_transaction_row to the expected value when # BINLOG_FORMAT=ROW. The output to the result file will be the # same regardless of BINLOG_FORMAT. # # $error_code # The expected error code (ER_*), in case $statement generates an # error. # # $error_message # A substring of the error message text, in case $statement # generates an error. --echo # enforce_gtid_consistency=$enforce_gtid_consistency gtid_mode=$gtid_mode gtid_next=$gtid_next if ($statement_ends_transaction == '') { --die !!!ERROR in test: set $statement_ends_transaction before sourcing enforce_gtid_consistency_statement.inc } if ($extra_warning_count == '') { --let $extra_warning_count= 0 } # $expected_status is 0 if the statement is ok, 1 if an error is expected, # 2 if a warning is expected. # # $expected_counter is 1 if any of the counters # ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT or # ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT is expected to # increase, 0 otherwise. --let $expected_status= 0 --let $expected_counter= 0 if ($gtid_violation) { --let $expected_status= $violation_result if ($violation_result != 1) { --let $expected_counter= 1 } } if ($rpl_debug) { --echo gtid_violation='$gtid_violation' violation_result='$violation_result' error_code='$error_code' expectation='$expected_status' statement_ends_transaction='$statement_ends_transaction' statement_ends_transaction_row='$statement_ends_transaction_row' --echo pre_statement='$pre_statement' --echo gtid_next='$gtid_next' --echo statement='$statement' } --connection $statement_connection --let $binlog_format= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.BINLOG_FORMAT` --source include/set_gtid_next_gtid_mode_agnostic.inc if ($pre_statement != '') { eval $pre_statement; } --let $automatic_counter_expected= 0 --let $anonymous_counter_expected= 0 if ($expected_status == 1) { --echo error $error_code --replace_regex /[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}:[0-9]*/#/ --error $error_code eval $statement; } if ($expected_status != 1) { --source include/execute_to_sync_point.inc --connection $auxiliary_connection if ($expected_counter) { if ($gtid_next == 'AUTOMATIC') { --let $automatic_counter_expected= 1 } if ($gtid_next == 'ANONYMOUS') { --let $anonymous_counter_expected= 1 } } --let $automatic_counter= query_get_value(SHOW STATUS LIKE "ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT", Value, 1) --let $anonymous_counter= query_get_value(SHOW STATUS LIKE "ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT", Value, 1) --let $assert_text= ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT should be $automatic_counter_expected --let $assert_cond= $automatic_counter = $automatic_counter_expected --source include/assert.inc --let $assert_text= ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT should be $anonymous_counter_expected --let $assert_cond= $anonymous_counter = $anonymous_counter_expected --source include/assert.inc --source include/execute_from_sync_point.inc } # Check warnings / errors. --connection $statement_connection --let $warning_count= `SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS` --let $warning_message= query_get_value(SHOW WARNINGS, Message, 1) --let $warning_level= query_get_value(SHOW WARNINGS, Level, 1) --connection $auxiliary_connection # The message may contain a single quote ('), which confuses # include/assert.inc So we remove any single quotes. --let $warning_message= `SELECT REPLACE("$warning_message", "'", "")` if ($expected_status == 0) { --let $assert_text= No warning or error should be generated. --let $assert_cond= $warning_count = 0 + $extra_warning_count --let $extra_debug_info= $warning_message --source include/assert.inc --let $extra_debug_info= } if ($expected_status == 1) { --let $assert_text= One warning/error should be generated. --let $assert_cond= $warning_count = 1 --source include/assert.inc --let $assert_text= It should be an Error, not a Warning. --let $assert_cond= "$warning_level" = "Error" --source include/assert.inc --let $assert_text= Text should be "violates GTID consistency" --let $assert_cond= "$warning_message" LIKE "$error_message%" --let $extra_debug_info= $warning_message --source include/assert.inc --let $extra_debug_info= } if ($expected_status == 2) { --let $assert_text= One warning/error should be generated. --let $assert_cond= $warning_count = 1 + $extra_warning_count --source include/assert.inc --let $assert_text= It should be a Warning, not an Error. --let $assert_cond= "$warning_level" = "Warning" --source include/assert.inc --let $assert_text= Text should be "violates GTID consistency" --let $assert_cond= "$warning_message" LIKE "Statement violates GTID consistency%" --let $extra_debug_info= $warning_message --source include/assert.inc --let $extra_debug_info= } #--connection server_1 # Check counters. --let $automatic_counter= query_get_value(SHOW STATUS LIKE "ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT", Value, 1) --let $anonymous_counter= query_get_value(SHOW STATUS LIKE "ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT", Value, 1) #--connection default # Compute what counter values to expect. By default, expect both to be 0. if ($rpl_debug) { --echo !!!expectation='$expected_status' cv='$expect_counter_value' gtid_next='$gtid_next' } --let $expect_end_transaction= $statement_ends_transaction if ($statement_ends_transaction_row != '') { if ($binlog_format == 'ROW') { --let $expect_end_transaction= $statement_ends_transaction_row } --let $counter_expected_text= $statement_ends_transaction_row (stm) / $statement_ends_transaction (row) if ($gtid_next == 'AUTOMATIC') { --let $automatic_counter_expected_text= $counter_expected_text } if ($gtid_next == 'ANONYMOUS') { --let $anonymous_counter_expected_text= $counter_expected_text } } if ($expect_end_transaction) { --let $automatic_counter_expected= 0 --let $anonymous_counter_expected= 0 } if ($statement_ends_transaction_row == '') { --let $automatic_counter_expected_text= $automatic_counter_expected --let $anonymous_counter_expected_text= $anonymous_counter_expected } --let $assert_text= ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT should be $automatic_counter_expected_text --let $assert_cond= $automatic_counter = $automatic_counter_expected --source include/assert.inc --let $assert_text= ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT should be $anonymous_counter_expected_text --let $assert_cond= $anonymous_counter = $anonymous_counter_expected --source include/assert.inc --connection $statement_connection # Clear transaction state. ROLLBACK; SET GTID_NEXT = 'AUTOMATIC'; # Check that counters are reset. --let $automatic_counter= query_get_value(SHOW STATUS LIKE "ONGOING_AUTOMATIC_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT", Value, 1) --let $anonymous_counter= query_get_value(SHOW STATUS LIKE "ONGOING_ANONYMOUS_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTION_COUNT", Value, 1) --let $assert_text= Both counters should be 0 --let $assert_cond= $automatic_counter = 0 AND $anonymous_counter = 0 --source include/assert.inc #--let $statement_ends_transaction= 0 --let $statement_ends_transaction_row= --let $pre_statement=