# ==== Purpose ==== # # Test the --[start|stop]-[position|datetime] options to mysqlbinlog, # with/without --read-from-remote-server, with one or two binary logs # as input. # # ==== Implementation ==== # TODO: Need to look at making row based version once new binlog client is complete. CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); RESET MASTER; --source extra/binlog_tests/binlog_mysqlbinlog_fill.inc --let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir` --echo --echo ==== Local ==== --let $start_position= $pos_1 --let $start_datetime= $datetime_1 --let $stop_position= $pos_2 --let $stop_datetime= $datetime_2 --let $extra_options= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$file_1 --source extra/binlog_tests/mysqlbinlog_start_stop_1.inc --echo --echo ==== Local with 2 binlogs on command line ==== # This is to verify that some options apply only to first, or last binlog --let $stop_position= $pos_3 --let $stop_datetime= $datetime_3 --let $extra_options= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$file_1 $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$file_2 --source extra/binlog_tests/mysqlbinlog_start_stop_1.inc --echo --echo ==== Remote ==== --let $stop_position= $pos_2 --let $stop_datetime= $datetime_2 --let $extra_options= --read-from-remote-server --user=root --host= --port=$MASTER_MYPORT $file_1 --source extra/binlog_tests/mysqlbinlog_start_stop_1.inc --echo --echo ==== Remote with 2 binlogs on command line ==== --let $stop_position= $pos_3 --let $stop_datetime= $datetime_3 --let $extra_options= --read-from-remote-server --user=root --host= --port=$MASTER_MYPORT $file_1 $file_2 --source extra/binlog_tests/mysqlbinlog_start_stop_1.inc # ==== to-last-log ==== --let $extra_options= --read-from-remote-server --user=root --host= --port=$MASTER_MYPORT $file_1 --let $options= --to-last-log --source extra/binlog_tests/mysqlbinlog_start_stop_2.inc --echo --echo ==== clean up ==== DROP TABLE t1;